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Send a long-lost picture

Author: Time:2021-09-2163 second

Information summary:  Send a long-lost picture    Recently, I rarely took photos of the fish, especially after 3 small Showas attention, almost all on the small cylinder, until the...., aquarium &, Temporary shelter for platinum red tail.Send a long-lost picture

  Send a long-lost picture


  Recently, I rarely took photos of the fish, especially after 3 small Showas attention, almost all on the small cylinder, until the large cylinder dirty to non-rubbing, not usually realized that the old fish were cold.

   After wipe the cylinder, you can take a photo to the old fish, avoid the file breakage into a vacuum.

   The side of the photo taken is more realistic, and the slogan is too big, and the body is at least shrinks at least one level. Of course, this is related to the depth of the water refraction and the depth of the fish in the water.Its not that white-write weekdays looks the most powerful, why the same water depth position is white, and it turns into the lens into the most thin weak fish, it is difficult to black, white two colors combined with other colors in the water.Refractive or focus in your phone is different?Have you had such a feeling of fish friends?

  = (Xianglong Agricultural Group Fish Friends Review) =



   Fatful fish
Fish friends, koi, and small


   I rely on, this white write . like blowing
Fish friend hook


Fish friends hwzhuzhan


   Great God, what is your feed?
Fish friends zsj725


Fish friends zsj725


Fish friends 13470365601


   All are very fat, my white wrote, the longer the waste.When I was a child, I was the same as the shell.Rough and strong, I dont want to say big.I have a doctor for a few months.Various tossing and casual.
Fish friend loves fish


   Several eyes have convex.any questions?
Yuyou Senwood



  Unified hwzhuzhan

  Great God, what is your feed?Which is better, Yinlong and Koi?@Can Red Dragon be bred with KoiSilver arowana eats a few small fish a day)Can Koi be raised with Yinlong#Is it better to domesticate dragon fish or koi??Can domestic thunderfish be mixed with koi carp?"What kind of small fish can silver arowana eat,Longfeng koi carp and dragon fish polyculture:How big is the silver arowana to make small fish. Kimberley Fish